For the final project in my software engineering class at Bucknell during my second year, I created a third person Zombie Shooter game along with three other students. Our inspiration came from a similar game called "Box Head". The game is basically a top-down view of the “Player” who will be defeating waves of zombies each round. For every zombie killed, the player earns money to spend on upgrades at the end of the round. Upgrades include unlocking weapons, increasing weapon damage, health, and speed. The round can end through a player dying or successfully defeating all the waves of zombies in the current round. As each round is cleared, the level of difficulty will get harder. The interesting part about this game is using the different weapons the player can unlock to deal with the increasing difficulty of the game. There will also be a “Super Zombie” that spawns after X amount of rounds to make the game a bit harder.
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